Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Earl of Aberdeen

It is the last night of Fringe for us and a Saturday. We tried to book a different restaurant but everything was booked out so we end up back at the Earl for the second time this week. This evening Bronwyn has invited Kate to join her since Neil is tied up with Louis' party. 

We know Kate as the "Olive Lady." When last we met her she was in the olive oil business. She has now dissolved the business she owned with her now ex-husband and is in business with her new husband.

Louis' friend Hugh, the fellow we met at the beer tasting, and the fellow we invited to our roof party is Kate's son.

The kangaroo special is not on the menu. CJ decides to see if there pizzas are as good as they once were. They are. Bronwyn enjoys the bangers and mash. Carol and Kate have the familiar fish and chips.

Kate and I go to pay. Bronwyn and Carol are not at the table when we return. One glance to find them reveals a bar full (literally) of familiar faces. What is CJ's entire beer drinking crew and their partners doing here? What is Neil doing here?

We are supposed to meet these people after the show at another bar across town. Why are they here? We discover they are on a pre-dinner pub crawl, or in their case a self-propelled pub crawl experience. The group gets from venue to venue peddling this contraption which has an onboard beer keg.


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