Friday, December 9, 2016

New Orleans Cuisine Renewed

The wind and temperature in New Orleans (NOLO) are bone chilling as our lack of vacation weather bad luck continues; then again the polar express is descending upon all of North America.  There's only one thing to do under such circumstances in NOLO; eat, dine, stuff thy face, gorge thyself on incredible food!

Our hotel is located one block from the French Quarter. A short three block walk across Canal St. on the way to Acme Oyster House, we find an alternative from the wind and further walking for Carol's cetaceous foot; the Redfish Grill. It's a fine beginning to a week of NOLO gluttony. Warm soup and a gumbo are a great appetizer.
We have two versions of the New Orleans Po Boy for lunch.  CJ has a fried oyster with a blue cheese dressing and Carol a shrimp.  Both are delicious.
Our dinner program begins at the top and can only go downhill from here.  We've not been to Susan Spicer's Bayona in many years. Carol orders a quail salad as something lite before her main.  Does this look like light or a full meal?
The sweetbreads are magnificent and we have two of the more intriguing cocktails of all time.

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