Saturday, December 10, 2016

Cold and Clear in NOLO

Unseasonably cold temps drive us indoors. We begin the day at the National WWII Museum and spend most of the day there. To properly see it would take two or three days. This is a museum that exceeds expectations. Exhibits and videos are top shelf and the Tom Hanks narrated movie is incredible. To call it a tear jerker is an understatement.  A young lady in her twenties is the supervisor of the exhibit and starts and stops the movie.  She must view it a number of times a day and many times a week.  Even she is tear'd up at the conclusion.
The restaurant at the museum is both unusual and very good; and, who ever heard of a full bar at a museum restaurant. If only we didn't die when the torpedo our submarine fired ran a circular route and sunk us. Those are a spinach and artichoke toasted cheese sandwich and crawfish and Andouille fritters.  The appetizer and sandwich were more than the two of us could finish.

In need of a coffee when we departed, where does one go for coffee in New Orleans but the iconic Café du Monde. Coffee and beignets at one of the few open tables.  The good news is that tables turn quickly when the only thing you're doing is knocking down a small coffee and showering yourself with powdered sugar.
We explore the French Market and surrounds before stopping by the disappointing Crescent Brewing.
Our intention is to have dinner at the Acme Oyster House about four blocks away but the line is untenable so we backtrack to the Redfish Grill again. Carol has an excellent grilled fish and CJ and excellent jambalaya. Unfortunately Carol's not feeling well and most of the fish goes uneaten.

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