Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Trains, beer and Taka

Its a beautiful day! Finally.  CJ's begins the day with a long walk along San Diego's wonderful waterfront promenade. When did that kissing statue show up next to the Midway.
Balboa Park is a place of many surprises.  The topography is laced with ravines.  Previously we've been to the zoo but today's visit takes us to the original buildings.
 It appears Carol is dressed in the color of the day.  And what do you think about this color coordinated poster with her name?

The first stop is the San Diego Model Railroad museum.  This is a magical place run by local model railroad clubs.  One of the more extensive displays represents the real serpentine rise between Bakersfield and Mohave. It's a single circuit with three or more trains running on it.  Somehow these guys have managed to get multiple engines to pull over 30 cars at once. This circuit is so big it takes over an HOUR for a train to complete the entire run.
And there is one room after another of these displays.  All scales are represented.  After being disappointed by the display in Pittsburgh, this one made up for it.

After lunch at the historic restaurant in the complex, we're off to the Miramar area to sample craft beer.
AleSmith has a new tasting complex.  A knowledgeable fellow, Chris leads us through the menu. Can we possibly do another one after this.  The trick is to leave a lot of good beer sitting on the table.
Chris recommends Amplified Ale as our next stop.  One reason is that a new up and coming brewery, Pure Project, is located next door.
The trip couldn't possibly end without more sea urchin at Taka.


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