Saturday, November 8, 2014

October in Atlanta

Our Atlanta weekend began with CJ sprawled on mom's kitchen table attached to the hotspot on Carol's IPhone working on what was supposed to be a day off. Eventually we got the evening off to a great start at our favorite Greek restaurant, Kyma.
On Saturday we gave her a real adventure; her first cable car ride. She didn't even flinch when it went over the stantions.
The cable car is climbing Stone Mountain, the largest exposed granite rock in the world. It's also known as the Mount Rushmore of the South for its carving of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and Stonewall Jackson.

For pushing 90, mom does a great job hiking the uneven rocky surface at the summit. Atlanta is in the distance.

We lunch in the lovely town of Decatur.  It has a quaint downtown area with a local brew pub featuring fantastic food.

That evening we sample beer at the local growlers shop.
Sunday is mom's special day as we check into a downtown hotel to allow her and Carol to attend the Susan Boyle concert.
It seems we packed even more into this weekend with her than normal

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