Saturday, August 31, 2024

New Zealand Christchurch July 2024 Part 1

It is well after noon when we arrive at the hotel. Breakfast was very early. There is a pub across the street. It is close and convenient. We take lunch at the Victoria Free House.

The bartender is a great fellow and the waitress even better. The waitress is from Paris in New Zealand on a work visa. CJ finds a red IPA he enjoys. Did I just say CJ is enjoying something with the letters IPA in it? The food is ok, but the staff is exceptional, and the location is convenient.

It is a gloomy day we pass in the hotel room.

The next day we walk around Christchurch. The Crowne Plaza is one block of Cathedral Square. The cathedral was severely damaged in the 2011 earthquake and is still under repair.

We pass through Cathedral Square walking into the heart of the shopping and restaurant district. We are in search of a ski shop and some place to eat. We stumble across Riverside Market

Riverside Market is a marvelous place. They call it an indoor farmer's market. Under Surprise, surprise, we end up at Canterbury Brewers Cooperative. We find we prefer two different stout brews. We have a long conversation with the barmen, Tim and Mark.

We return to Victoria Free House for a good beef cheeks dinner with Morgane and more Red IPA for CJ.

The downtown tram is a must. It is hop on/hop off. 

We take it around the CBD.

At the Botanical Gardens exit across the street from what was once Canterbury College. The walk to the visitor center is too long from this entrance and winter is not the best time of year to visit. We decide to return to the tram.

Passing the Canterbury College complex CJ decides to explore the gorgeous grounds while Carol sees a sign for a restaurant called the Wine Cellar. It is the find of all finds. We are directed to the tasting flights part of the menu. There are 20 four-wine flights.

By the time we depart, we have sampled five of them and purchased four bottles of dessert wine to take back to Oz. The tram returns us to the hotel.

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