Monday, March 25, 2024

Black Friday

Thanksgiving Dinner with Carol's brother, neice, great nephew and families was marvelous.

While crazies are fighting the crowds of Black Friday shopping, we make a short drive into the capital of the State of Washington, Olympia. It is a small and quaint town on the water. We come across the Olympia tap house. Why not give it a go?

CJ is ecstatic. They have the limited release Goose Island stout on tap. While he is making a fool of himself at the bar moaning and gowning, ala When Harry Met Sally, Carol discovers something likely to push him over the edge. In the cooler, they have three different varieties of Goose Island stout. These bad boys are going to come to Australia with us.

Apparently, we have not worn out our welcome. Rob has purchased a brisket and we are invited back this evening for dinner. We pass by on our way to Seattle.

It is a clear day. This is Mt. Rainer from Rob's driveway.

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