Friday, June 2, 2023

Belmond Monestario - Thursday PM

Have we ever had a hotel arrival to rival today's at the Belmond Monestario. The van deposits us at the entrance to the monasteries' chapel. We enter to cold towels, a cold drink, and room keys.

The hotel was once a spectacular monastery. This is the upper courtyard.
This is the lower courtyard.
The halls are decorated with paintings and tapestries. The dining room has vaulted ceilings and a preaching alcove. During dinner, there is a small group playing. Suddenly we are jolted by an opera soprano. Where is that deafening voice coming from. Following a lengthy search, we find her in that raised alcove. In the next aria, she is joined by the Maitre'd, a tenor. He does not have the pipes to hang with her.
The upper courtyard by evening.
This place is up there with Ashford Castle in terms of charm and service. It reminds one of Spanish Parador properties.

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