Sunday, June 14, 2020

A Winter Stroll through Adelaide Botanical Gardens

The Adelaide Botanical Gardens provide us with a great turn around point on one of our longer walk tracks. We are pleased that no matter how many times one traverses the gardens, there is always something new to catch the eye, some new nook to be explored or rediscovered. The first picture is of a small enclosed garden often used for weddings.
This water feature, reminiscent of designs found throughout the castles and palaces of the Muslim world is in the garden adjacent to the snack bar (still COVID closed) which serves as the meeting place for the free volunteer guided tours, also still not operating.
This is a barrel tree. It apparently was a bit hit when they had a special event for schoolies (school children).
With us in winter, most of the roses were gone but we still managed to find a few pretty ones.
The primary reason for this picture was the copper colored aloe plant in blossom on the right.
 Having enjoyed the eastern part of the gardens, it is time to make the turn for home and the exit on the south side into the Central Business District (CBD).

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