Monday, November 26, 2018

So Much For Careful Planning

We had a great plan.  Prepare early.  Preposition two suitcases in Atlanta on the previous trip.  Begin packing early.  Perform spring trimming in late fall.  And the Carol fell sick the last two weeks before departure.  Still, when on Nov 15 we left for Atlanta, everything appeared in order.

Four days later and four days before our scheduled Thanksgiving Day departure for Singapore, Carol was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia.

We've lost four days of our week's Singapore vacation but at least we're on our way.  While transferring from our rental car to the International Terminal, we pass through the Renaissance and an amazing mural by an artist, Ryan Coleman.  The mural is an abstract of the world and the more you look at it the more you imagine.  For our part, we're just hoping to make it from the left side to the right side without any additional hiccups.

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