Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Snow Cometh

Our incredible good fortune related to unseasonably warm December weather ends abruptly. Each successive weather forecast further upgrades the snow forecast until by the time we go to sleep they report a major snowstorm beginning overnight.

At 0700 there are whiteout conditions and snow covered roads on the streets below.
By noon CJ has cabin fever and decides to do a walkabout.  He checks out a quaint block in the downtown area before proceeding to walk to the other side of the river and try to find Denver Brewing. Downtown is snow covered and quiet for a weekday.
CJ opts to sit at the bar and sample five of their brews. If you're willing to drink outdoors you get two bucks off your beers.
The walk to Great Divide Brewery is an adventure.  Between CJ and the brewery are railroad tracks, a river, and a slightly inebriated fool with no map. Not only is there an extra bridge at 19th street but there's also a pedestrian river crossing. It takes our intrepid traveler three attempts to get across the railroad tracks and around Coors Field, the Colorado Rockies baseball stadium. Having passed up the obvious opportunity to go under the railroad, it takes numerous failed starts to get over the tracks.
There is a wild and crazy crew at Great Divide. The bartenders are trying to identify the brews  by taste; eyes closed.  One goes three for three.  The other leaves, possibly seeking a new line of work after guessing only one of three.
Following significant walking in deep snow and two breweries, CJ calls for the cavalry.  Carol dispatches Danny and the Renaissance suburban to the rescue. 

CJ's a bit late arriving for our departure for happy hour at Stoic and Genuine.  Like yesterday, more oysters and sea urchin.
We pass by Jax, purportedly the best restaurant in Denver.  It's not even as good as Stoic and Genuine. The fruits de mer offering is awful, the gumbo a bit off, and the sugar covered hush puppies indistinguishable from a cinnamon sugar donut,

Happy hour this afternoon will pass for this evening's dinner. The remaining Avery Uncle Jacob's stout and wine from previous evening will help us pass this winter's evening in the hotel. We leave the last of the growler with Danny.

It might be an adventure at the airport tomorrow. Hundreds are stranded and rooms at the airport are going at over $400 a night.

1 comment:

  1. What a contrast to weather we are experiencing in Adelaide, 40+.
