Monday, December 13, 2021

In Memoriam

I started this blog years ago for the purpose of sharing travel experiences with friends. It was not an original idea. Two other couples proceeded me with blogs of their travel experiences.

For the past two years, the main purpose of the more boring blogs was to keep my mother attached to us while we were stranded by COVID in Australia.

The blog can now return to its original purpose as mom has completed her good innings and as she said, "Gone Upstairs"

Departing the Adelaide Botanic Gardens

You have seen the rose gardens at the Botanic Gardens. This is the walk from the rose gardens on the north side of the gardens to the main entrance adjacent to the CBD. This is the smaller of the two lakes in the gardens.

This is the final promenade to the main entrance.
Just before the exit on both sides of the walk are two huge bird of paradise bushes. It is one of favorite plants.

Adelaide Botanic Gardens Rose Garden - Part 3

This is part 3 of 3 of the rose gardens at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.

This is an informational banner on the fragrance of roses.

Roadworks on our lane ways

We receive notice in our letterbox that the laneways surrounding our home are getting worked on Friday and Saturday. Since our garages will be blocked, James and Jackie head for their place in the country.

This is major roadwork. They tear up the exiting pavement and replace the road.

On Friday they dig up the road and on Saturday they pave.
Our house is the last on the right.

This is the truck delivering the pavement material. Behind is the machine laying the road surface.
The pavement has been laid half way across the entrance to our private mews. It is on the right side and not on the left side.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Stem Friday tasting and Nu Thai

Mark has begun conducting short one hour wine tastings in the wine cellar of Stem. Tonight is our first one. Mark is tasting five white wines, all not your normal well known whites.

Living Roots is a wine made by a winemaker known to us. We met Seb Hardy years ago when he worked with his father Geoff at K1. Now he has his own wine businesses, one in South Australia and one in Rochester, NY.
It is a short walk from Stem to Nu Thai. We have not been here since we moved across the city, at least a year. We are no sooner seated than Candi, one of the waitresses comes to our table and reminds us what we ordered on our last visit. She is very good and has an incredible memory.

Adelaide Botanic Gardens Rose Garden - Part 2

More of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens rose gardens. They are so extensive there are too many pictures to put in a single blog. This is part 2 of 3.

Among the roses are succulents.
We leave part 2 with orange roses.